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Day Tanks

Day Tanks

Koronka’s range of Day tanks are mainly manufactured for plant rooms.. They are very similar to the Koronka Basic tank range but tend to have more features as required by the unit they feed.

For example, a Day tank can be fitted with float switches so it can send a signal back to the bulk tank to allow fuel to feed it by which ever method is chosen in the set up; gravity or pumped. Usually these have more than the 2 positions of high and low switch points and often have the 4 position switches to include a High and Low feature which prevents overfilling or indeed running out of fuel.

Day tanks can be vented back to the bulk tank so that in the event of an over fill, the product is simply returned to the bulk tank. They can also be fitted with a free falling fire valve that would close on a fusible link should the set catch fire.

A tank stand is a common feature required by the Day tank so it can be is elevated to the correct height allowing it to feed the set using gravity.

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